Five Ideas to Improve Your Outdoor Photography

1.Be open to different alternatives. Being too fixated on one particular composition narrows the options available to you. If you are open to trying out abstract types of compositions and working with multiple types of weather patterns you will increase the likelihood of creativity in your photography. One of my favorite examples of this is choosing to photograph forest and waterfall scenes during sunny conditions; the light in these circumstances can be interpreted by the eye, but the camera still lags behind in that respect. These types of conditions are definitely challenging to photograph under, but if interpreted correctly, they can produce an image with more depth and ambiance than a forested scene under overcast skies.

2. Look at the whole of a scene and see how each part could interplay in your composition. It is easy to get too focused on the immediate foreground subject or the background subject and lose sight of everything else happening around it. Identify which ways you can draw focus to all of the subject matter presented. The mid-ground is often the most complementary aspect to an image with depth.

3. Seek to find the most important elements of the composition and deemphasize everything else. Photography is more of an art of subtraction; employing that idea can work wonders in creating an image with flow to it. Think about ways in which you can use perspective or tripod position to work around distractions in the scene. Often times shadowing and highlighting can be used to diminish or enhance different features of an image.

4. Always give yourself more time than you will need. This is true in a lot of conditions in life, but particularly true with photography. Though it can be thrilling to rush to get to a spot at the right moment (I know from a lot of first-hand experience), it is always helpful to know as many details and nuances of the place you’re photographing as possible. Having enough time also allows you to relax and reset the mind a bit from the rush.

5. Use photography more for the process than the result. When you focus more on the art of capturing or creating an image rather than the image itself your enjoyment thrives. Photography is a medium to help enhance our ways of perceiving the world; and if you look at it that way, you immediately gain from picking up a camera and honing the process.

3 thoughts on “Five Ideas to Improve Your Outdoor Photography

  1. Hi Trevor, I’m very impressed with your images. Have you produced any processing videos or tutorials of any type? I’d like to know how you achieve such sharpness yet with a soft ambiance. I’m new to landscape photography and am always looking for some tips.

    • Hi Victor,

      Thanks for taking the time to comment; I appreciate it. I haven’t as of yet created anything illustrating processing techniques; however, the foundation of my processing is based upon the masks Tony Kuyper has came up with at . That certainly is a good place to start if you haven’t already checked it out. I may at some point come up with a video to illustrate how I creatively apply them.

  2. Thanks for the reply. I have been using Tony Kuyper’s luminosity masks for a few months now. I have yet to explore their potential, but time and practice will pay off I’m sure. If or when you do make a video, I will be sure to watch it. Thanks, and keep up the good work.

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